The Plan to Build a Massive Online Brain for All the World’s Robots

This is a clever idea (in fact I thought of it a few years ago as well). Now with excellent WiFi and 4G connectivity there is no need for an individual robot to carry all its processing power onboard. Instead they can delegate some decisions to the cloud. Wired recently reported on a project to do just this – to build a massive robot brain in the cloud. Indeed I believe that Google’s driverless cars can also use the cloud to aid their decision making. I can’t find a link for this so would be grateful if a reader who knows a relevant URl could comment.

from The Universal Machine

About Ian Watson
I'm a New Zealand author, computer scientist, consultant, speaker and blogger specialising in Artificial Intelligence. I also have an interest in the history of computing and have written a popular science book called "The Universal Machine - from the dawn of computing to digital consciousness."

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